The Co-op will be closed on Sunday, Apr 20th for Easter Sunday

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What is the Food For All Program?

Food for All was established to help folks in our community have access to healthy food, regardless of their economic status.

To learn more about the benefits of Co-op membership, check out our Membership Page.

LEMon Logo

Our LEMon (Limited Equity Monetary) fund exists to create a positive impact for our neighbors who need the most support to access healthy food. Former memberowners whose equity has lapsed help to fund the Coop's payment of 75% of eligible member-owner’s equity payment.

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Our LIMe (limited income membership) program provides eligible member-owners with a standard discount of 10% on all items except gift cards, promotional products, and equity. The discount is funded through the donation made by fellow member-owners and customers at checkout via bag credits and the round up program.

Food for All Brochure and Application (pdf version)

You may also submit your application online using our Food For All online Google form.

©Copyright 2021 Erie Food Co-op. All Rights Reserved.
Website built by Jason Mucio. Site design by Jason Mucio and the EFC Marketing Team.