The Co-op will be closed on Sunday, Apr 20th for Easter Sunday

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TAKE PART! - Become a Member-Owner

Membership is not required to shop at Erie Food Co-op, but as a consumer cooperative we provide the opportunity for individuals to become a part of the store by purchasing equity. The cost is a one-time purchase of $100, you can choose to pay the amount in full or in installments. Your benefits begin with your first payment, and you will receive a stock certificate upon completion.

Your $100 buys one share of stock. Only one person may own the stock, though other individuals living within your household may shop using your account. Those individuals will be able to take advantage of special sales and events but are not eligible to vote or hold a seat on the Board of Directors. You may cancel your equity share at any time for a full refund; refunds of equity are issued to the stockholder and are non-transferable.

Member-Owner Application

7 Great Reasons to Become a Member-Owner
  1. To support your local economy and be part of something special
    Erie Food Co-op is 100% local and owned by people like you. Shopping with us keeps money in the local economy and we strive to support other local businesses and involve ourselves with creating an exciting place for everyone to come to for great, healthy food.
  2. Owner Extras
    We offer our member-owners an extra 10% off all Co+op Deals everyday, a 20% discount on one regular priced item of your choice in our supplement or body care section once a month, and an extra discount at our bulk sales.
  3. Coffee and Smoothie/Juice Club
    Members are enrolled automatically in our coffee and juice/smoothie club, when you purchase 10, you'll be offered the 11th for free.
  4. Patronage Refund
    Each purchase you make adds to your total, and ultimately your cut of any patronage refund that may be given out at the end of the fiscal year. To find out more about patronage refunds, click here.
  5. Special Ordering
    Member-owners can place special orders for larger quantities or cases of items which may be eligible for a 10% case discount. Members may also request/order items we do not stock on the shelf but are available to us from our current distributors.
  6. Board Positions and Voting
    We would love for you to take an active role in the Co-op and consider running for a position on our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the voice of the Co-op member-owners. (Note: Only the individual who owns the share of stock may vote and have a seat on the Board of Directors, one vote per share)
  7. Annual Meeting
    You are invited to attend our annual member-owner meeting where you meet the Board of Directors and hear about how the Co-op is doing and what we have planned for the future. It's a chance to connect with some of your fellow Co-op'ers and have fun.

Owner Extras Brochure

©Copyright 2021 Erie Food Co-op. All Rights Reserved.
Website built by Jason Mucio. Site design by Jason Mucio and the EFC Marketing Team.