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Click here for info on how you can run for the board of directors this year!

Board of Directors:

  • Shari Gross - President
  • Kevin Schaaf - Vice President
  • Colleen Daisley - Treasurer
  • Liz Bugbee - Secretary
  • Amanda Gates
  • Derek Golembeski
  • Sarah Parker
  • Amanda Kleckner
  • George Kilbert

What is the board of directors?
The Board of Directors is the governing body that collectively represents the member-owners and ensures the co-op's vision and focus is along a path which upholds its founding principles. Members are elected yearly and maintain their seat on the Board for THREE YEARS, after which time that person must run for re-election to stay on for a maximum of six years. Any member-owner who is the person owning the individual share of stock is eligible to run for a seat.

What is involved with serving on the board?
As a Director, you will be representing the member-owners of the Co-op. Some of your responsibilities will include:

  • Attending the monthly board meeting, attending the annual member-owner meeting in October, and any additional meetings, trainings, and events depending on your Committee assignments and interests. You can expect to spend 5-10 hours a month working on Board business.
  • Communicating with the other Directors between meetings, particularly through electronic means. Directors should have a reasonable familiarity with technology.
  • Reading policy documents, interpreting them, and writing reports and amendments. Don’t worry, we provide training for all new Directors!

Serving on the Board is a commitment of time and energy and is not for everyone. However, it is a very rewarding experience, and we hope that you will consider running.

What the Board Does and Does Not Do

The Board...
  • Sets the strategic direction of the store
  • Monitors financial goals
  • Monitors the store's performance through ongoing policy review
  • Receives compensation for their work in the form of a co-op gift card
The Board does not...
  • Set prices or store policies
  • Get special privileges or treatment from the staff of the Co-op
  • Participate in day-to-day store operations
  • Work as an employee in the store or engage in private enterprise with the store

D2: Board Job Description
D4: Role of President
D9: Role of Officers

If you're interested in reading the bylaws, you can find them on our Member Resources page.


If you would like to get in touch with our Board of Directors, please send an email to

©Copyright 2021 Erie Food Co-op. All Rights Reserved.
Website built by Jason Mucio. Site design by Jason Mucio and the EFC Marketing Team.