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Want to run for a seat on the Board?

Please read through the text below then print and fill out the nomination application and drop it off at the store. We look forward to meeting you!

The deadline to submit the application is August 15th, so don't wait!

Board of Directors Nomination Application


We appreciate your interest in serving on the Board of Directors of the Erie Food Co-op. The Erie Food Co-op's Board of Directors is composed of 9 directors: 4 officers and 5 directors at large. Terms are staggered so that no more than 3 directors are ever up for election each year.

In order to appear on the ballot, you must be nominated by the Board of Directors Nominating Committee. This impartial body is tasked with identifying qualified candidates, educating potential candidates about the responsibilities of serving on the Board, as well as running the election itself.

This page contains information about the electoral process, the Board in general, and also serves as the application for nomination by the Board. We welcome any opportunity to discuss questions you may have regarding these materials. We anticipate hearing from you and receiving your application, statement and photo.


What is involved with serving on the board?
The purpose of the board of directors is to oversee the CEO/GM, and represent the member-owners. Traditionally, the Board of Directors meets the 4th Wednesday of each month, although there are sometimes additional meetings and occasionally work is also done via email between meetings. Serving on the Board is a commitment of time and energy and is not for everyone. However, it is a very rewarding experience, and we hope that you will consider running.

Perks of Directorship
Directors are compensated for their service with a monthly stipend, and occasionally attend conferences and trainings. Directors always represent the interests of the member-owners in helping to grow the Co-op. It’s a lot of fun and is a great opportunity for service to the community and for personal development. (See Sidebar - What the Board Does)

Getting Nominated
You do not need any special qualifications to run for and serve on the Board, and we welcome the full diversity of our member-owner community to apply. In order to be considered for nomination, fill out the application included in this document and submit it to us before August 15, 2024. The Nominating Committee will review your application and will be in touch with you to schedule an interview before confirming your nomination. We are available to answer any questions you may have about Board service or the electoral process. Our committee is also in charge of administering the election fairly and transparently, protecting the electoral process, and assisting candidates throughout the campaign and election.


Once nominated, your candidate statement will be posted in the store, on the Internet, as well as appear in the Co-op's newsletter. We will make sure that your statement is made available for all our member-owners to see. As a candidate running for the board, you will be expected to be present at the annual member-owner meeting on Sunday, October 20th. During the meeting you will be able to introduce yourself in person to the members and give a short speech.

Elections begin at the close of the annual meeting and continue for 30 days, ending on November 19th. If you are elected, the Nominating Committee will contact you by phone that evening.

Please note that candidates are prohibited from campaigning in the store or on the Co-op's social media pages. The Erie Food Co-op is owned by our member-owners, but it's also a public business and the Board has set strict guidelines for the conduct of the campaign in order to protect the interests of the store and its customers.

©Copyright 2021 Erie Food Co-op. All Rights Reserved.
Website built by Jason Mucio. Site design by Jason Mucio and the EFC Marketing Team.