The Co-op will be closed on Sunday, Apr 20th for Easter Sunday

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Giving back to the community

We reserve a portion of our budget each year to invest in the local community by helping with fundraisers and events. If you are a local nonprofit organization whose mission involves making this community a better place and would like to request a donation to aid in your event, please read the information in the guidelines letter below then fill out the form and mail it or drop it off at the store. We will review your request and see if we are able to help.

Guidelines for donation requests

  1. All requests must be faxed, mailed, or dropped off directly to Erie Food Co-op, 1341 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16508. Attn: Charitable Donations
  2. Requests must be made formally using the donation application.
  3. Only one donation per year will be made to any given organization. Please plan appropriately and decide when it is best to request a donation from Erie Food Co-op.
  4. Your organization or event must be located within twenty miles of our store. Some exceptions may apply.
  5. The recipient must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or public agency. Proof of your 501(c)(3) status, such as a tax ID number would be ideal.
  6. The application must be received at least 30 days before the event date in order to be considered. All applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Due to limited donation budgets, early submission of your application is recommended
  7. Requests from the following organizations WILL be considered by Erie Food Co-op:
    • Organizations defined as nonprofit under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    • Public agencies
    • Events, programs and projects that focus on improving the quality of life of a community, particularly as it relates to health, nutrition, education and environmental preservation.
    • Preference will be given to events that benefit the local community
  8. Requests from the following organizations WILL NOT be considered by Erie Food Co-op:
    • Political candidates
    • Private clubs funded through membership fees
    • Sporting events or sports teams
    • Sponsorship of individuals or families
  9. Past support of an organization or event is not a guarantee of future support.

To be considered for a donation, please return your completed application to Erie Food Co-op along with any background information on your event and your organization, including a Web site URL if you have one, preferably on organization letterhead. If your organization has a procurement form, please complete and send that as well.

Donations from Erie Food Co-op are usually in the form of gift cards. You may use this gift card to purchase goods for your event if you choose. Donations such as gift baskets or food from our cafe are labor-intensive for us and therefore not always practical for us to donate. We do not give cash donations.

Although we would like to support every worthwhile cause, due to the volume of applications and limited budgets, it is not possible to fulfill every request.

Charitable Donation Application

Donations at the checkout

In addition to solicited donations, we also collect and match a portion of cash donations we collect at the registers and via our chip-in program, which offers any shopper the option to donate 5 cents for each reusable bag they bring in.

We also will offer for customers to "round up" the change portion of their order to benefit certain programs.

Every cent is appreciated!

©Copyright 2021 Erie Food Co-op. All Rights Reserved.
Website built by Jason Mucio. Site design by Jason Mucio and the EFC Marketing Team.